Touch-Kiosk and Vaki-Counter at the "Lahn-Window Hessen" (Action E 10)

By using the LIFE funding of the LiLa project in 2016, it was possible to extend the information offer at the so-called "Lahnfenster" [engl. Window to the Lahn river] of Hesse in the city of Gießen.

A digital information platform, a "touch kiosk" allows interested visitors to get more details on the river and its animals and organisms, even outside the opening hours. The LIFE project "Living Lahn" is introduced there as well.

In addition, a so-called "Vaki-Counter" has been installed in the fish ladder. This digital fish counter scans fishes passing by and records them. Thus the number and species composition of the mounting fish can be determined. Selected film sequences are available in the touch kiosk and the most recent recordings can be watched on the internet as well.