Project description

The project "LiLa Living Lahn" is funded by the EU environmental aid program LIFE. It started on November 01, 2015 and runs for a period of 10 years until November 30, 2025. The project budget is around EUR 15.7 million, with an EU contribution of around EUR 8.5 million.

It is divided into 4 phases with a duration of two and a half years each, which conclude with a large event to inform the general public.

The measures foreseen in the project mostly deal with restoring/preserving the "good ecological potential" of the Lahn. These measures as provided in the management plan for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). In this respect, the interests of shipping and other competing uses shall, as far as possible, be in accordance with the ecological requirements, e.g. the restoration of near-natural shores, pastures and linear patency. Natural water retention will be promoted, as well as an ecologically compatible discharge regulation. Naturally protected areas on the Lahn, in particular the Natura2000 areas, are upgraded in the form of special species protection measures, safeguarding and reactivation of wetlands and an ecological maintenance of the waters. The good water quality should be achieved by a reducing diffuse pollution from agriculture and other point sources. To this end, the project partners initiate a whole series of complementary measures, such as littoral protection strips, sewage system/plant restorations or the removal of barriers, which are financed from other funding programs.

The various stakeholders and the population are involved through regular and dialogue-oriented public relations work, e.g. by "round tables" and information events. Furthermore, additional information is provided in already existing water and flood information centers, e.g. at the “Lahn-Fenster” (Lahn-window) in Gießen. At the end of the project, a coordinated concept for the further use of the Lahn will be provided, taking into account the different types of use mentioned above, from shipping, hydropower, nature conservation, aquatic ecology and recreation, and first steps towards the goals formulated will be implemented.